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Showing posts with the label Angina


HYPERTENSION  Hypertension is a very common disorder  particularly in past middle age..  Hypertension itself is not a disease, But a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality or mobility..  Hypertension is also known as (High Blood Pressure) .. Blood pressure is the force of  your blood pushing , against the wall of the artries..  The normal range of blood pressure is 120/80mmHg.. High Blood pressure or Hypertension is the condition, In which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure .. Hypertension is a seriously mental health condition increased the risk of Stroke, brain, kidney and other problems ..  It is a major cause of premature death worldwide with upwards of 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women .. * What are the symptoms of hypertension   Dizziness   Highblood pressure   Nausea   Vomiting   Irregular heartbeat   Mental confusion *What causes Hypertension . High salt in you diet  .Family history of High blood pressure  .Stress  .Lack of physical exercise  .Excess us

Anti-anginal drugs (chest pain)

Angina (Ischemic angina)  It is a chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart .. It is also called angina pectoris  Angina pectoris  It is a pain syndrome due to induction of an adverse oxygen supply/demand situation in a proportion of the myocardium.. Types of angina  (1)-Classical angina(Stable angina)  - Attacks are predicatbly provoked by exercise, ,eating cotious ..when the increased energy demand is withdrwan..  (2) - Varient /Prinzmetal/Vasopastic angina Attacks occur at rest during sleep and are unpredictables..  (3)-Unstable angina - Increase in duration and severity of attacks ,which may occur even during rest .. Mostly due to rupture of an antheromatous plaque attacking platelets. Classification of drugs - .Terminate attacks - Nitrates  .Used for chronic prophylaxis - other drugs    (1)- Nitrates   Nitrates dilate the veins more than artries, peripheral pooling of blood and decreased venus return (preload on heart reduced) end diastolic size